Julia Fullerton-Batten

Julia Fullerton-Batten’s Photography Revitalizes Aesthetic Values

Julia Fullerton-Batten’s Photography Revitalizes Aesthetic Values

January 27, 2021 - Timothy Tew

Lurking behind every work of art is a story. Sometimes it’s as brief as a breath, unconscious to even the artist and of no importance to the viewer. At other times it’s epic, looms large and the viewer is supposed to “get it.” Epic stories are familiar to us through novels, movies and television, but they also exist in painting. A fine example is Jacques-Louis David’s ‘Coronation of Napoleon’ (1805-06); a majestic 20 by 30 feet painting extolling the Notre Dame ceremony that officially made Napoleon an Emperor.

Interview with Julia Fullerton-Batten

December 3, 2020